Our Why for ProLife |  Testimonials

When we see individuals fight for prolife causes, we rarely understand the meaning behind the passion, much less, reasoning for why they are where they are.  Below we reveal a few testimonies to hopefully encourage and inspire you and those around you to participate in upcoming prolife causes.  You never know where your action may lead to much needed change!


40 Days for Life - Day of Prayer

This Lent, many of us stood outside Planned Parenthood for a one day vigil of prayer on March 18th from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  As we prayed for an end to abortion outside the Saint Paul Planned Parenthood facility, we said rosaries, sang songs of praise for God's great glory and mercy and were surrounded by His light in the midst of so much hurting and suffering. 

Romans 12:12:  "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Two testimonies of the day is shared below.  We are looking to add more in the near future and creating a special section of the website for such voices.

If you also were there and wish to share your thoughts, please contact us as well!

Where I Saw God at the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil (by Angela Schmollinger)

I saw Him in the people who signed up to fill spots that needed filled.  I saw Him in the St Agnes group who arrived in the morning as well as the nameless silent individuals across the street who kneeled or stood in prayer; the sidewalk counselors who came in on the hour at their own posts; in the people I liken to "cameo/surprise appearances" we did not anticipate coming but they showed up ready to fight the good fight, making our witnesses greater and numbers more. 


I saw Him in the three priests who came in the last 2 hours carrying Light from their vocation that no one could equal.


I saw Him in the way that the messaging we had just created with sidewalk chalk at 1:00 p.m., while wiped away at 3:00 p.m., got redrawn by a woman named Diana who told us she comes twice a week to redo them.  She also informed us that whatever oil the pro-Abortion woman uses as an attempt to erase the chalk, when Diana is redoing the chalking, it actually makes her new cross or messaging more bold.  A testament that good overcomes evil even through sidewalk chalk! 


I saw Him in my fellow sister, Barbara, who braved the 6+ hours with me and would have gone longer bundled up in the elements.


I cannot deny that I saw Him throughout the day. I felt Him in the warmth and kindness of my Christian brothers and sisters. I heard Him in myself and outside of myself. My prayers spoken aloud were not only true, but they were honest and from the heart surprising even me by what I said.  God was with us for certain.  If He had not been, I would not have had the voice to speak anything at all or the courage, energy or tenacity to stand and pray. 


I was honored to be there in His presence for I know I was not alone.  While I admit, I did not want to be there - as no one really wants to spend the day outside of an abortion clinic - I truly believe that I was meant to be there serving as a witness, praying fervently with others and giving God praise for his mercy and love amid the environment we were in.  


This Lent, the messaging has been around surrendering to God's will rather than our own.  I could not say No to God when this is where He needed me to be. I encourage anyone reading this to consider taking an hour or two and doing the same.  As long as abortions are still actively being done, prayer and witnesses will always be needed.


If you need a buddy , I'm game to do it again.  


My Experience (by Jerald Valento)

I was on an hour shift earlier than 3:00 p.m. and we did not experience any confrontations.  Actions speak louder than words, no matter how loud or vulgar the words used.  So much easier to shout obscenities driving by than praying while kneeling on a sidewalk.  I am especially grateful for the leadership present during my hour which included Barb and Angela praying on their knees from time to time.  We prayed together and we prayed by ourselves.  I experience both ends of the emotional spectrum: happy that I was there actively involved……..and sad that I had to be there actively involved.  I will do this again when the call is out. 

My Experience (by Sara Rose)

I was able to attend by coming with one of our other members ( I thank her for the ride ). We were at the 3 to 4 slot, and were walking up and down the sidewalk praying the rosary while one of the proabortionists, we were insulted and shouted at, and sometimes it was hard to concentrate, but we had perseverance.  One of the shouters was a young girl who some of [us] thought she was being influenced by her mother to be for abortion, after yelling at us one time she apologized to us; we're hoping that maybe someday, she will have the grace through prayer to speak up for herself and cherish life.

My Experience (by Bob Brenneman)

I have enjoyed praying the Rosary with others as we march in front of the PP building. I try to pray the Rosary every day, but it is special to pray it with others. I pray for such a spiritual renewal in our country that abortions will decrease to almost zero not so much by legislation (although that is a good step) but because more and more people are repenting of their sins and trusting in Christ, resulting in a revival of holiness and purity. I also use the time to pray for persecuted Christians and those who have not had the chance to hear about Jesus and the Gospel. Battling abortion in the courts is the right thing to do, but faithfully interceding in prayer for a massive turning to God in repentance is even more vital. May God help us to persevere! 



Pictures by Father Kevin Manthey

*Pictured - Father Joe, Father Phillippe, Barbara Grundman, Angela Schmollinger, Father Kevin, Diana (the sidewalk chalk creator)

Pictures by Brian Walker, ProLife Action Ministries

*Pictured - Angela Schmollinger, Barbara Grundman, Carolyn (?), Pat Loehlein, Rich Loehlein & a sidewalk counselor (name unknown)