ProLife Library - Media, Literature & Prayer Database

Need some entertainment or would like to read some great books which endorse ProLife? Look no further than this page!  New resources added often!

Did you know that our parish library collection includes the five best books that inform the reader about abortion?  (named in a recent podcast with Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life)

1. Hand of God  by Bernard Nathanson.

2. Unplanned  by Abby Johnson.

3. ProLife answers to ProChoice arguments by Randy Alcorn.

4. Architects of the culture of death by Donald DeMarco and Benjamin Wiker.

5. Three approaches to abortion by Peter Kreeft.

 Check these resources out in the Parish library to learn more!

A Collection of Pro-Life Prayers: 

From the Parish Library, the following resources (manuals, books & dvds) are available to focus on continuous and life-long learning to better defend Life:

  • 52 Simple Things You Can Do to Be Pro-Life (Book by Anne Pierson)
    • A manual for the prolife movement.
  • 40 Years, 40 Days, 40 Hours (DVD with Father Francis J. Hoffman)
    • What will it take to rebuild a culture of life?
  • Aborted Women: Silent No More (Book by David Reardon)
    • 20 women share their personal journeys from...abortion to restored wholeness.
  • Architects of the Culture of Death (Book by Donald De Marco published by Ignatius Press)
    • author examines the roots of the Culture of Death by introducing 23 of its architects.
  • Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia: past & present (Book by J. C. Wilkes et al)
    • “Euthanasia is not a ‘good death’. Euthanasia is when the doctor kills the patient”.
  • Back to the Drawing Board: The future of the pro-life movement (Book edited by Teresa R. Wagner);    
    • Covers legal, medicine, politics, religion, culture, future aspects.
  • Beginning of the End of Abortion (Book by Shawn D. Carney)
    • True stories from the global movement happening in your neighborhood.
  • Bella’s Gift (Book by Rick & Karen Santorum)
    • How one little [ girl with special needs] transformed our family and inspired a nation.
  • Changing Sides (DVD with Abby Johnson)
    • Discover what happens when people pray, fast, sacrifice, love their enemies and take a stand on the most controversial issue of our time - abortion.
  • Chiara Corbella Petrillo: : a witness to joy (Book by Simone Troisi)
    • At 28 years old, Chiara passed away, her body ravaged by cancer. While pregnant a third time, Chiara developed a malignant tumor, but refused the treatment that might have saved her--treatment that would have risked the life of her unborn son.
  • [A] Child is a Precious Gift (Book from Focus on the Family)
    • A child is a “package truly heaven sent”
  • Comfort for the Sick and Dying (Book by David L.Greenstock)
    • Classic on religious aspects of death in the Catholic Church.
  • Cradle My Heart; Finding God's Love After Abortion (Book by Kim Ketola)
    • Your heart/God’s heart.
  • Culture of Death (Book by Wesley J. Smith)
    • The assault on medical ethics in America.
  • Demonic Abortion (Book by Thomas J. Euteneuer)
    • a sobering commentary on the Satanic nature of the modern abortion industry.
  • Ending Abortion (Book by Fr. Frank Pavone)
    • Father quotes the Word of God liberally and cites the moral and legal dimensions of the pro-life cause from womb to tomb.
  • [An] Evening with Archbishop Harry Flynn: a prolife vision (DVD recorded January 19, 2008 at Maternity of Mary church)
    • Church of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Prolife Committee.
  • EWTN Live - David Daleiden (DVD from Eternal Word Television Network)
    • Father Mitch Pacwa interviews the founder of The Center for Medical Progress who analyzes the undercover videos of Planned Parenthood employees selling the remains of aborted babies.
  • EWTN on Location (DVD from Eternal Word Television Network)
    • Right to Life's "Bringing America Back to Life" Symposium, 2012.
  • Facts about Abortion (Book by Judie Brown)
    • in American Life League’s Life guide series.
  • Five Issues that Matter Most (Book by Fr. Frank Pavone et al)
    • Covers abortion, euthanasia & assisted suicide, stem cell research & cloning, same-sex marriage.
  • Forbidden Grief: (Book by Theresa Burke)
    • illustrates how we can create a more understanding and healing society where women will no longer be required to hide their pain.
  • Forced Exit: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and the New Duty to Die (Book by Wesley Smith)
    • this expanded edition makes a compelling case against legalized euthanasia and looks at the truly humane and compassionate alternatives.
  • From Conception to Birth: a Life Unfolds (Book)
    • Beautiful photos show the miracle of new life.
  • From Conception to Birth Visualized – with Alexander Tsiaras
    • talk – DVD
  • Gianna: Aborted and Lived to Tell About It (Book by Jessica Shaver)
    • story of a girl’s remarkable journey from abortion survivor to steadfast defender and lover of life.
  • Gospel of Life (Book by Pope John Paul II)
    •  the Pontiff's encyclical letter on the sanctity of life in the modern world.
    • New! The Bishops now have prepared an online Study guide for the Gospel of Life available to freely use (HERE)
    • New! The Bishops have prepared an online Compendium for the Gospel of Life free to use individually or in a group study (HERE)
  • Guidance and Hope (DVD from Prenatal Partners for Life)
    • includes interviews with Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Dr. Steve Calvin, the late Br. Paul O'Donnell and three families who have experienced the gift of a child with special needs or health issues.
  • [The] Hand of God (Book by Bernard Nathanson)
    • relates a journey from death to life by the abortion doctor who changed his mind.
  • Humanae Vitae on the Regulation of Birth (Encyclical letter of Pope Paul VI)
    • "Given at Rome, from St. Peter's, this 25th day of July ... in the year 1968.
  • Humanae Vitae 1968-1998 : Reflections 30 Years Later (Book from Archdiocese Office of Marriage and Family Life)
    • Articles originally printed in THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT (July 23, 1998 and August 6, 1998)
  • Humanae Vitae, 50 Years Later: Embracing God’s Vision for Marriage, Love, and Life: a Compendium.
  • In the Wake of Choice (DVD authored by Miguel S.Campbell & Ann Marie Cosgrove)
    • a documentary on how abortion affects women, men and families.
  • Is the Fetus Human? (Book by Eric Pastuszek)
    • covers biological, medical, emotional, legal, cultural and social evidence.
  • LifeTalk (DVDs include Fr. Frank Pavone and a panel from LifeDynamics .com)
    • Program hosted by Mark Crutcher.
  • Living Life Abundantly: stories of people who encountered God (Book compiled by Johnnette S. Benkovic)
    • especially stories “More than a conqueror” “Abortion’s aftermath: from trauma to triumph”
  • Love is a Choice; the Life of St. Gianna Molla (DVD from Ignatius Press)
    • tells the story of Giana Molla, a wife, mother, and medical doctor who sacrificed her own life to save her unborn child.
  • Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue and the Knights of Our Lady (Children’s book by Joan Andrews Bell)
    • Here’s a story of a horseback adventure in which three children learn to become Knights of Our Lady Through the Power of the Rosary. They learn how to apply the story to their lives in protecting the unborn.
  • My Journey into the Catholic Church (Book by Norma McCorvey)
    • written with Fr. Frank Pavone.
  • Personhood (Book by Daniel C. Becker)
    • a pragmatic guide to prolife victory in the 21st century & the return to first principles in politics.
  • Peter Breen (DVD with EWTN Live’s Fr. Mitch Pacwa)
    • Father Mitch Pacwa interviews Peter Breen about prolife, marriage, and religious liberty topics.
  • Pro-Life Across America (DVD with EWTN Live’s Fr. Mitch Pacwa)
    • Father interviews Mary Ann Kuharski of Pro-Live Across America.
  • Pro-life Christians: Heroes for the Pre-Born (Book by Joe Gulotta)
    • 28 courageous Pro-Life Christians and what they do
  • Redeemed by Grace: (Book by Ramona Treviño,)
    • a Catholic woman’s journey to Planned Parenthood and back.
  • Saint Gianna Beretta Molla: : gift of life (Book by Susan Helen Wallace)
    • Gianna-selfless mother, loving wife, compassionate physician, committed Catholic… ultimately sacrifices herself-giving the precious gift of life
  • To the Heart of the Matter (Book by Shawn D. Carney)
    • Your daily life has the power to end abortion.
  • Unplanned (Book by Abby Johnson)
    • The dramatic true story of a former Planned Parenthood leader's eye-opening journey across the life line.
  • Unplanned (DVD with Abby Johnson)
    • "What she saw changed everything."
  • Will to Live: clear answers on end of life issues (Book by Archbishop Jose Gomes)
    • A Catholic bishop explains how to approach end-of-life issues and prepare for death in a way consistent with our Catholic faith.