Local Pregnancy Resources

  • Women's LifeCare Center |  St Paul

    • We are a pregnancy resource center making a positive impact in the lives of pregnant and parenting mothers in our local community for over 35 years. Our mission is to strengthen families and empower women to overcome obstacles surrounding their pregnancies by providing free life coaching, parenting, prenatal & maternal wellness services. Our vision is a community where all parents embrace the value of human life and rise to meet the challenges of pregnancy and parenthood.

    1. Philomena House | St Paul 

      • The Philomena House provides housing and help up to a year for homeless, expectant mothers. Every guest stays at Philomena House through a safe pregnancy, delivery and early life after birth. We want to give the mother a real choice-whether to keep the baby or place the child for adoption. When she chooses adoption, we help her through the process.

    2. Options for Women East | White Bear Lake 

      • At Options for Women East, we offer services and resources to women who are unexpectedly pregnant at no-cost. We'll walk this journey with you - every step of the way.

    3. New Day Pregancy & Family Resource Center | Little Canada

      • New Day provides free services to women who are pregnant or women/men needing parenting assistance. We provide one-on-one mentoring and parent education. We also connect clients with community resources.

    4. Rachel's Vineyard | Various

      • Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place. Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.

    5. Abria Pregnancy Resources | St Paul, Minneapolis

      • We empower women in their time of need. Our resources and support services are grounded in respect and awe for the miracle of every unique, unrepeatable human person, starting with each woman we serve. We help women form a plan that fits best with their current needs and life situation. Our role is to walk with them in friendship, providing the support and resources they need to make a life-affirming decision.

      • Material Resources Needed (Contact Abria via email info@abria.org or by calling 651-695-0111 to advise best drop off of these materials) 

        • Infant Carriers
          Complete outfit sets
          Boys Sizes – NB, 0-3 Months, 3 Months, 6 Months
          Girls Sizes – NB, 0-3 Months, 3 Months, 6 Months
          Size 6 Diapers
          Baby shoes
          Baby socks
          Boppy Pillows
          Baby bathing tub
          Interactive baby toys

    6. Standing With You

      • We Stand With YOU and we are here to help you find the answers you need to become a successful parent. Connect with real people who understand what an unexpected pregnancy feels like, people who know first-hand that peer-to-peer support can be priceless, people who empower women to choose both their child and their dreams.

Educational Resources

  • National Catholic Bioethics Center

    1. Minnesota Catholic Conference

    2. Archdiocese Saint Paul/Minneapolis US Conference of Catholic Bishops

    3. Minnesota Concerned Citizens for Life

      • MCCL is Minnesota's oldest and largest pro-life organization. We work through education, legislation, and political action to secure protection for innocent human life from conception until natural death.

    4. Prolife Action Ministries

      • Pro-Life Action Ministries is an interdenominational, Christian organization dedicated to publicly defending the sanctity of human life, and saving lives from abortion, infanticide and euthanasia through peaceful direct-action and educational projects.

    5. ProLife Across America

      • PROLIFE Across AMERICA is a non-profit, non-political organization dedicated to changing hearts and saving babies’ lives. We are committed to bringing positive, persuasive messages, offering information and alternatives – including adoption – and post-abortion assistance to those in need. We base our beliefs on Biblical principles and Roman Catholic teaching.

    6. Prolife Future Twin Cities

      • The Pro-Life Future (PLF) Campaign is a first-of-its-kind, multi-faceted approach to solving the issue of abortion. We know that abortion is a complicated issue that involves many social sub-issues. So, instead of a national campaign that focuses on a singular sub-issue, the team at Students for Life of America is seeking community partners to launch campaigns in the Twin Cities to target every sub-issue in order to eradicate abortion in your city.

        Our goal is to directly reduce the abortion rate by increasing awareness of non-violent abortion alternatives, decreasing support of the abortion industry, and changing hearts and minds about abortion in the Twin Cities.

    7. Human Coalition

      • Human Coalition is a champion of life, committed to an audacious mission: to transform our culture of death into a culture of life—to end abortion in America.  We are Human Coalition—a collective of individuals bound together in answer to a common call: to do all we can to remove the stain of abortion from America. We are change agents—not simply because we are against abortion but because we are for life. We are for preborn babies who need to be protected in the womb; for women who should not have to choose the life of their baby for a fulfilling life; for families whose members should flourish in an environment of value and love; for mothers and fathers who deserve a chance at being mothers and fathers; and for society that needs all its children to live and thrive if it is to be called “civilized.”