To Jesus Through Mary

Maternity of Mary and Holy Childhood Parish Lenten Program

Every Thursday at Holy Childhood

More information on the dedicated page

Stations of the Cross & Soup Supper

5:30 pm Stations of the Cross

6:30 pm Soup Supper

Every Friday in Lent Maternity of Mary & Holy Childhood will alternate locations:

March 7 - Maternity of Mary

March 14 - Holy Childhood

March 21 - Maternity of Mary

*March 28 - Holy Childhood with 6:30 pm soup Supper & 7:30pm 7 Last words of Christ performance with Stations of the Cross

April 4 - Maternity of Mary

April 11 - Holy Childhood

Feed My Starving Children Outreach

Join us March 29th at Feed My Starving Children outreach. You MUST RSVP.