Upcoming ProLife Events (Quarterly)

  • Spiritual Adoption Program Begins | Coffee & Donut Sunday

    Sept 14-15 Weekend

    What is it: Every day for 9 months, pray that an unknown child’s life be spared abortion and be allowed to continue to live. At the end of the 9 months, join us as we celebrate with a baby shower where all diapers and baby supplies get donated to various pregnancy centers in the local area!

    When: September 14-15th 2024 until Mother's Day 2025 with a Baby Shower to celebrate the babies prayed for!

  • 40 Days for Life

    September 25 - November 3
    October 24: Dedicated Prayer Outside Planned Parenthood & In Maternity of Mary Chapel

    Sign Up for 1 Hour of Prayer outside Planned Parenthood in Saint Paul (Vandalia Location) as we pray for all affected - for the mothers considering aborting their child, the babies in their wombs, the families who are struggling with a decision that will change their lives and the doctors and staff who work there. May the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary's intercession be present in all ways.

    For those who wish to pray at the Chapel in front of Adoration, the Chapel is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

  • Respect Life Sunday Service

    October 6 1:00 p.m.
    Rosary Garden, Maternity of Mary

    Come celebrate the month of Mary by praying a decade or two of the Rosary, sing some songs of Mary and be in fellowship in this joyous service.

  • ProLife Monthly Meeting

    October 7 6:30 p.m.
    Maternity of Mary, Sirba Hall

  • Mary's Meals Fundraiser Dinner

    October 10 5:30 p.m.
    Guardian Angels Catholic Church, Oakdale

    [more info]

  • Service of Remembrance

    October 12 10 a.m. - Noon
    Resurrection Cemetary,
    Mendota Heights [more info]

    Gethsemane Cemetary,
    New Hope [more info]

  • Tree for Life Memorial Service

    October 12 10:00 a.m.

    Como Park, Saint Paul

  • Living a Joyful Life Gala

    October 12 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

    Dinner & Silent Auction with Live Music!

    Event Page - All Information Here!

  • Holiday Bazaar

    Saturday November 2
    MMSA Gymnasium

  • ProLife Monthly Meeting | CandleLight Election Night Vigil Service

    Meeting: November 4
    6:30 p.m.
    Maternity of Mary, Sirba Hall

    Election Night Vigil Service:
    7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
    Maternity of Mary Chapel

  • Women's Life Care Center Banquet

    November 14 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

    Event Page

  • ProLife Monthly Meeting

    December 2 6:30 p.m.
    Maternity of Mary, Sirba Hall

  • Known by God: A Retreat for Mothers Grieving the Loss of a Miscarried or Stillborn Child

    February 8 2025
    9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    When you come to the For You Are Known Retreat, you’ll be encouraged relationally, challenged spiritually, and walk away having talked about and processed through one of life’s most difficult and not discussed events- pregnancy or infant loss.

2025 Upcoming Events

January 6 ProLife Monthly Meeting (Sirba Hall)

January 17 Movie Night (Sirba Hall)

& Valentine's Day Card Signing

January 18-19 Quarterly Donuts/Letter Writing Campaign

& Valentine's Decorations (Sirba Hall)

February 3 ProLife Monthly Meeting (Sirba Hall)

February 8-9 WLCC Baby Bottle Distribution - Sirba Hall/Narthex/Holy Childhood

March 1-2 WLCC Baby Bottle Collection - Sirba Hall/Narthex/Holy Childhood

March 3 ProLife Monthly Meeting (Sirba Hall)

March 5 - April 18 40 Days for Life (More to Come)

March 15-16 Quarterly Donuts/Letter Writing Campaign (Sirba Hall/Narthex/Holy Childhood)

April 7 ProLife Monthly Meeting(Sirba Hall)

May X  May Crowning - Sirba Hall/Rosary Garden

May 5 ProLife Monthly Meeting (Sirba Hall)

May 10-11 Mother's Day Flower Sale/Spiritual Adoption Baby Shower (Sirba Hall/Narthex/Holy Childhood)

June 2 ProLife Monthly Meeting (Sirba Hall)

June 21-22 Quarterly Donuts/Letter Writing Campaign (Sirba Hall/Narthex/Holy Childhood)

July 7 *NO ProLife Monthly Meeting* 

Are there community events that you want us to know about?  Contact us and let us know!