Alan Ames

Monday, September 16th
6:30 p.m. Mass, Talk, Healing

What are blessed to receive the visit of Alan Ames, Catholic Evangelist and Mystic, in our Parish.

Alan Ames was born in London in 1953. In his youth, he was a member of a motorcycle-gang, he went along a path full of violence and alcohol. After his marriage, he moved to Australia with his family. The turning point of his life happened in 1993 when Alan saw his past life displayed before him and experienced how his sins and wrong ways had hurt God. He saw how Jesus offered him forgiveness from the cross. After some struggles, Alan accepted the forgiveness offered by Jesus. The Lord helped Alan to come back to the sacraments and to the Church, and changed Alan's hatred and pain into love.

Later, God called Alan to be one of His witnesses, sent to carry God's love into the world. Alan has brought hope and blessing to hundreds of thousands of people – the hope and blessing which he himself draws from his sacramental relationship of love with the Trinitarian God.

Mr. Ames has the written support of his Archbishop in Perth, Australia and many others around the world. Archbishop Barry Hickey supported Alan for 17 years, and then Archbishop Costello and auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton have also given permission since then. All 3 bishops of Perth have done so in writing. To learn more about Alan Ames, check out his website or Youtube channel!

You can also watch the following videos we have selected: